Monday, January 26, 2009
In Praise of Style
When Aretha Franklin came up to the podium to sing our national anthem at Barak Obama's inauguration, the crowd that I was watching the proceedings with gave out a loud cheer. In part it was because so many of us appreciate her music (RESPECT says it all) but in part it was because of the hat she wore. It was a large gray hat with an enormous bow in the front. It was reminiscent of the fabulous hats many African-American women wore to churches throughout the 20th century. If you are not familiar with the style, look at "Crowns: Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats" by Cunningham and Marberry which is a wonderful collection of pictures of women and their hats.
Michelle Obama also had a fashion statement that inauguration day in her yellow dress with a yellow long jacket. Regardless of what you thought about either the hat or the dress, both women were dressing in a way that stood out and said I am here to please my own sense of style. I am not wearing a dark pant suit and looking like a man with curves.
Don't get me wrong. If you like dark pant suits, wear them; and in fact I do. But I do love to see women in showy clothes that they feel comfortable in. I hope Michele Obama does not become known for only fashion statements and protecting her children -- traditional roles for the first lady. On inauguration day, both of these women were acting in traditional female roles, one as a wife and one as an entertainer. But hopefully their lively sense of style will also free political and professional women to express their own sense of style. Hillary Clinton wore colorful pant suits which broke a little with tradition and for which the press never tired of commenting on.
I am ready for America to accept that a stylish women can also be a serious women. Let's have some fun with our clothes while we get serious about our politics.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Perception and Discrimination
As thousands of people gather in Washington, DC to witness the swearing in of the United States’ first African-American President and millions more make plans to watch the ceremony on television, I am moved by the symbolic meaning of this day. Like many Americans, I have lived through the overt separation of the races in the fifties, the often violent struggle for equality in the sixties, and the continuing struggles to make equality a reality in the seventies, eighties, and nineties.
I am moved that such an important barrier has been broken. I am also intrigued by the difference of the meaning of this event for my generation and for other generations. Both The Boston Globe and the New York Times have run articles making the point that seeing an African-American President was not strange to the younger generation because they had seen it so often in the movies and on television.
Often what we have seen or read in novels allows us to accept it in reality. Familiarity, whether it is real or made up, can go along way toward acceptance of change. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. It can allow us to let go of prejudices but it can also make us immune to violence and more subtlety the cruelty of rudeness and loss of privacy.
Using the power of the familiar to combat discrimination is a lesson we can use when we see sexism and ageism. I remember as a child that there were no women news anchors or radio D Js. The first time I heard a women’s voice on the radio it sounded shrill to me. It was unfamiliar in that setting. Today women on the radio and TV news seem as natural as men.
Those of you who have seen the movie “Milk” about Harvey Milk, the gay rights activist, were reminded about the role of grassroots organizing to change laws and perceptions. The popular television sitcom “Will and Grace” which provided a fictionalized picture of the gay community came twenty years after Harvey Milk’s advocacy for gay’s civil rights. It is the interplay of advocacy and our imaginations that can become a powerful tool for change.
What are our perceptions of race, gender, or old age that hold us back? What perceptions are real and which ones are built on bias? The media can often help us sort that through by allowing us to confront our prejudices. The media and fiction, however, can go just so far. It is up to us to push in our communities and through changes in the media and law to eliminate the discrimination that relegates us to less than our potential.
Ellen A. Bruce
President, OWL Board of Directors
Monday, January 12, 2009
Health Care Reform
There’s energy in the air in DC. People are excited. There’s a sense that change really is coming, and here in DC, many are trying to bridge partisan divides to have real conversations about how to rebuild a better, stronger, healthier
Health Care Reform is like a Candy Store
There are probably about as many ways to make changes to our health care system are there are flavors of Jelly-Belly. There are about 15 different plans from Congress, and you can bet every industry, consumer, and provider group could tweak their own best plan as well. President-elect Obama made numerous statements throughout his campaign, ranging from full support for single-payer health care to a promise that health care reform would allow anyone who is happy with the insurance they currently have to keep it. His nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, former Senator Tom Daschle, has some other ideas too, but acknowledges that a single-payer system would be the most cost effective way to provide good care to all.
OWL has advocated for single-payer health care since its inception, and is absolutely maintaining its single-payer voice. We are working in several coalitions with other groups to make sure that the consumer voice is heard loud and clear in the reform negotiations, and in fact, in discussions with Health Care for America Now! (HCAN), we have been asked to maintain that position so it doesn't disappear from the table. To be frank, I don’t think there’s the political will to go all the way on a single-payer plan. The question then becomes, does the bumper sticker on the back of our vehicle read ‘Single-payer or Bust” or “Single-payer or Other Plan that is Far Better than the Status Quo?” OWL is without question making the case for single-payer repeatedly, loudly, and clearly, and having our voice will contribute to a plan that is closer to single-payer than not if we can’t go all the way.
Single-payer, Universal Health Care, and Medicare-for-All (Or, Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!)
These terms get thrown around, but it would do us some good to know what we mean when we use them. They are related, but not interchangeable.
A single-payer plan means that the federal government would be writing the checks to pay for health care for everyone. Instead of Sue having Insurance A, Joe having Insurance B, etc., and each insurance company being a separate payer, all claims would ultimately be paid by the government (like traditional Medicare payments).
Universal health care simply means that everyone has access to care. This phrase is a bit of a misnomer to me, because, technically, one could argue we already have this. Anyone who is in need of care can get it, either from their primary doctor, an urgent care center, or an emergency room. I don’t mean to suggest it’s good or affordable, or that it’s used appropriately, but it’s there. Universal coverage is a different goose. This refers to everyone having some form of health insurance, public or private. This includes high-deductible plans, which we know leave people effectively underinsured, with very high out of pocket costs, but which is considered insurance for the purposes of a universal coverage system. This comes with other problems too – namely an individual mandate that requires people to have health insurance or pay a fine. Both of these situations result in too many people still going with out coverage, care, or both, because they truly cannot afford it.
Medicare for All (MFA) is also a broad term to be used carefully, but generally means expanding the existing Medicare program and infrastructure to cover everyone. We have to recognize that Medicare is increasingly complex, currently includes options that allow private insurance companies to administer Medicare plans, and largely does not cover preventive care like annual physicals, dental, and vision services. MFA isn’t quite as simple as it sounds, since major changes would have to be made to cover appropriate services for all ages, but the basic infrastructure is already in place, and starting there would put us leaps and bounds ahead of starting from scratch. There is a strong grassroots movement supporting Congressman Conyers' HR 676 MFA legislation. Support in the Senate is a different story, and it would take a great deal of communications from home states to get the ball moving there (hint, hint).
Health Care Reform, Generally Speaking
There seems to be support and momentum building for large-scale reform, and in the right direction. You may be aware that Senator Max Baucus, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, recently released a white paper on health care reform. It was intended as a discussion starter, and people certainly are talking. It largely reflects the public/private compromise President-elect Obama campaigned on during the general election. While it represents a commitment to reform, it's incredibly moderate, too moderate as a place to start discussions, I think, and certainly the left wants to view it as a floor, while the right is hoping it is a ceiling. Nonetheless, it makes rational, focused support for MFA very important. In addition, Congressman Waxman has taken over control of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which will bring new energy and a more liberal agenda to that committee. Waxman has been great on health care and women's issues (and a long list of other issues), so this is a good omen for health care reform.
I know some are opposed to OWL working with HCAN. It is important to know that there is no HCAN "model" for reform. What HCAN is working on is a set of principles about what "universal" coverage and "affordable health care" mean, and plans that fit those fundamentals could come in all shapes and sizes, single-payer included. HCAN does propose a way for private insurers to coexist with a public plan, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a single-payer plan wouldn’t fit. I know some think working with this group is compromising our position, but I believe the opposite is true. Our goal is to have everyone covered, receiving high quality care in the most cost-effective manner. We think MFA is the best way to do this, but any step forward is a step forward, and working with other groups who want to walk in the same direction lends more weight, and more frequent forums, to our position.
Owls to the Skies
A year ago, comprehensive health care reform sounded good on the campaign trail, but probably wasn’t a bucket filled with much water. Now, with the economy in trouble, bailouts going around like holiday cards, the bucket is quite full. The silver lining to the economic downturn is that real health care reform has jumped to the top of the list of priorities, with a great tag line – we can’t afford not to. If a plan moves forward, people are talking about expanding Medicare to cover more people, eliminating the 2 year wait for Medicare disability, Medicaid eligibility based on income, without the categorical restrictions that currently exist, and a private but heavily regulated and subsidized plan for those in between without employer coverage. I think employer coverage will be protected heavily, and rather than taxing the benefit, it sounds like companies that don't provide a floor package could be penalized. It will be messier and more complicated than this, certainly, and it isn't a perfect fix, but it's astonishingly better than where we are. Throughout the negotiations, OWL will continue to be a voice for MFA.
OWLs across the country will have to decide if they want to shape the discussion from a seat at the table or from a bullhorn outside. There is merit to both positions. I would argue a compromise – bold and diplomatic. Make the case for MFA, but stay at the table. If we can’t get MFA, let’s get as close as we can. We need to keep our eyes on the prize – better, affordable health care for all.
-Natale Zimmer
Health Policy Director, OWL